Driving a sustainable business operation


By 2030, 1.3 billion new people will join the consumer class1 putting supply chains under constant pressure to deliver more, better, and faster. To achieve global climate goals, provide healthy workplaces for employees, and meet the growing demand for consumer goods, all companies in the supply chain must run a sustainable business. Warehouse management plays a crucial part in this process.   
Our mission is to enable global companies to operate a sustainable and efficient supply chain that delivers a superior customer experience through a long-term partnership.  



a road that runs in the middle of a trees

The three foundations
of our sustainability program

Based on the UN 2030 Agenda and the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), our sustainability program focuses on three areas: sustainability for our employees, customers, and the environment.

Symbol for Sustainability for our employees 

Sustainability for our employees  

As a knowledge-based organization, the talent and skills of our employees are essential to our success. Providing them with a long-term career path is one of the main pillars of our sustainable operation. We aim to become the number one go-to tech company within the supply chain industry. To cover all aspects of this journey, we have determined four dimensions of sustainability for our employees:

a group of people sitting together at a round table and talking

A diverse and equal workplace

A key target for 2028: Have women represent 50% of newly recruited employees.

A workplace for individual growth  

A key target for 2028:  Reach a 50-point eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score).

A safe and healthy workplace 

A key target for 2028: Stay 5 points above the industry benchmark with our Leadership Index.

An engaging workplace  

A key target for 2028: Have 95% percent of employees complete PuLCe surveys.

a woman signs package delivery from a courier
symbol for sustainability for our customers  

Sustainability for our customers  

We support our customers’ long-term financial growth and goals through innovation and lasting partnerships. We aim to invest 13% of our annual revenue in research and development and are committed to working closely with our customers in creating cutting-edge WMS solutions. We constantly educate ourselves on our customers’ challenges, concerns, and overall perception of Consafe Logistics and measure customer satisfaction once every second year via customer surveys.    

681.3 MSEK
annual turnover of Consafe Logistics in 2023.
Annual profitability (EBIT, %) of Consafe Logistics in 2023.
of respondents expressed high satisfaction with Astro WMS® in our 2023 customer satisfaction survey.

Customer insights

Want to become more sustainable in your supply chain and logistics operations? Learn from our customers' experiences! We teamed up with Supply Chain Effect and created a video interview series where Ahlsell, SKF and Brødrene Dahl share their insights on sustainability and logistics.   






Brødrene Dahl


symbol for sustainability for the environment  

Sustainability for the environment  

As a software development company, we use smart algorithms to create a high impact. Astro WMS® functionalities support more sustainable warehouse operations in many ways, e.g., by choosing the right packaging, improving fill rates in trucks, and driving the most optimal route in the warehouse when picking, thus saving resources. As for our corporate operations, we use 100% renewable energy in all our offices and aim to ensure sustainable procurement, travel, and waste management.    

autumn forest with sun
cut in shipped boxes with Astro WMS® Pick Group Optimization.
reduction in pick routes with Astro WMS® Pick Route Optimization.
the ratio of renewable energy used in Consafe Logistics offices in 2023.
group photo of consafe logistics Sustainability Ambassadors

Together we get there
- meet our Sustainability Ambassadors

Even the best sustainability program will stay on paper without community engagement. Ultimately, people drive change. That is why we selected Sustainability Ambassadors from the organization who raise awareness of the focus areas, develop guidelines, search for best practices, launch initiatives and monitor progress. Discover how they approach sustainability through their work in the program.

ida kruger sustainability ambassador consafe logistics
Sustainability for our employees    

Our goal is for our colleagues to feel that Consafe Logistics is the best employer within the tech industry. I am driving initiatives that target employee well-being, long-term career development, and creating an inclusive environment with a strong company culture.

Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding Partner 

marianne ekelund sustainability ambassador customers
Sustainability for our customers   

We want to be our customers’ trusted partners in this ever-changing supply chain. My mission is to nurture and grow long-term relationships with them, ensuring they are satisfied with our service and competence and that our partnerships naturally progress to anticipate their needs.


Account Manager  

nikolina strahinic sustainability ambassador environment
Sustainability for the environment    

I see my role as an enabler, ensuring we meet environmental reporting criteria, establishing comprehensive targets for reducing our carbon emissions, and equipping our community with essential insights on environmental sustainability.


Senior Sustainability Specialist 

linda frygell sustainability ambassador environment
Sustainability for the environment    

I am committed to progress across three key areas: aiding customers in reducing their carbon footprint, integrating innovative technologies into our WMS and WCS that contribute to resource savings, and engaging in dialogue with industry peers. Each step is crucial in impacting sustainability for the environment.


Group Product and Partner Manager  

cover of consafe logistics sustainability report 2023

Curious to learn more about our sustainable business practices?

Explore our 2023 Sustainability Report!



 Source 1 https://knowledge4policy.ec.europa.eu/growing-consumerism_en