Two female developers sitting in front of a computer and working together
Employee story


Statistics have long shown that women are underrepresented in tech-related roles, and over the past years, several surveys indicate a decline in the overall percentage of women working in tech.  

As we strive to achieve equal representation and foster an inclusive culture , we're actively working to welcome more women as colleagues at Consafe Logistics.  

Get to know three of them below! Meet Katsiaryna, Anette, and Lovisa - discover why they have chosen careers in the tech industry and what their experiences and insights are working at Consafe Logistics! 

  • Anette Fossum Morken works as a Software Developer in Norway 
  • Katsiaryna Ankuda works as a QA Engineer in Poland 
  • Lovisa Johansson works as a Software Developer in Sweden 

Group photo of Katsiaryna Ankuda, Anette Fossum Morken and Lovisa Johansson

Anette Fossum Morken, Katsiaryna Ankuda and Lovisa Johansson


Tell us a bit about your background and why you decided to go for a career in tech! 

Katsiaryna: I studied logistics at university and started my career as a business analyst with a focus on logistics in Belarus. In my job, I worked closely with the IT department, writing specifications for our software. For a while I was also leading a team of analysts. When I moved to Poland, I took the opportunity to pursue new challenges as a QA Engineer and try myself in the IT industry. Consafe Logistics was a perfect fit for me - both IT and logistics. I gained a lot of knowledge through self-learning and various online courses.  

Anette: I have had a technical interest since childhood, being the “tech girl” playing with Lego. It was natural for me to go to the NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), where I studied mathematics and physics. During my studies, I was introduced to programming and loved it! I realized that this is how I see the world 😊 My job at Consafe Logistics started as a part-time job, and I have now been here for almost seven years. One of the things I like the most about my job is that I get to work with problem-solving. For me, programming is just one of many tools you can use when you are facing a problem.   

Lovisa: My background is a bit unconventional. I started out in a different field, and even though I was always interested in tech and programming, I did not really have it in mind or think that it was for me. It wasn’t until I reached a crossroads that I decided to change my career path. My first job after attending a software academy program was at Consafe Logistics, where I further developed my skills as a developer. I feel a lot at ease today about the fact that I want to continue my career within tech 😊. 


In your opinion, why is diversity important?  

Lovisa: I believe diversity fosters innovation. In turn, innovation ensures that what is being developed caters to a broader group of people. You get more perspectives, and everyone can bring their different strengths to the table. You can learn from each other, and apart from a better output, it also contributes to creating a better work environment. 

Anette: I would say that the better the balance between men and women, the more welcoming everything in between will be. It makes something with the culture when you introduce a lot of different aspects through a mix of personalities.  Finding joy in your work is so much related to the people around you, to be able to find your own little family at work, and diversity helps with that.  

Katsiaryna: Communication and atmosphere at work are very important, and when there is diversity, it is easier to create a good work environment. It is about bringing different aspects and ideas to the table to create an innovative and inclusive environment.  


How would you describe the culture and work environment at Consafe Logistics?

Katsiaryna: I think we have a culture where everyone feels valued and has equal opportunities regardless of their background. The company culture also respects the individual needs you might have when life happens. For example, I could work from Belarus for a period when I needed to. Regarding work-life balance, there are clear expectations of work hours, and our private time is respected.   

Lovisa: I would describe it as a place where respect is fundamental and embodied in our core behavior, “Together we get there,” which creates a collective ownership of processes. This also fosters inclusiveness, collaboration and supportiveness. There is also a focus on growth mindset that encourages people to embrace learning and take on new challenges. Flexibility is also an important part of the work environment to promote a good work-life balance. 

Anette: I think we have a culture of helping each other.  No matter who you call in Consafe Logistics for assistance, that person will help you. Speaking from my own experience, if something happens in your private life, you can feel confident that your colleagues will be there to help you out. To use some of our core behaviors to describe it: “Together we get there” and “Be accountable and act” have deep roots in our culture. 😊  

I would also describe our work environment as dynamic and somewhat challenging. For some people, it is ok to be thrown into the water, but for some, it is not. At least they need more support to grow into the role. I believe that females are often better at sensing and picking up those kinds of signals. That is one reason why we need to have a balance in the workforce.  

How can organizations encourage more women to work in the tech industry, and what should they do to retain the women colleagues they already have? 

Lovisa: Besides providing equal opportunities, I think it is important to challenge the stereotypes that exist. There are still stereotypes about who works in the tech industry, and of course, these don’t represent the full picture.   

Anette: I think Lovisa is on to something, but it is also a stereotype of what you actually do when you work in tech. It is not sitting in a basement programming, building computers, and drinking energy drinks. It is so much more than that, like designing, problem-solving, collaborating in teams, etc.  

Tech is so big, and keeping up with the latest technology can feel overwhelming. But in the end, you only need to know the one part that you work with. I think women often feel that they must know more than they actually need. One typical example is how women tend to read and interpret the requirements in a job ad—they don’t even apply if they don’t feel that they tick all the boxes.  

Networking is also important, maybe even extra important to me, since I work in a small team with only a few women. I attended Consafe Logistics’ High Potential Program last year, and it was a real boost. And the company has recently created a Women in Tech Network that I think is also a good initiative.  

Katsiaryna: I think training and development are important for women, as is creating opportunities for them to lead and manage people.  


What advice would you give to women considering a career in technology at Consafe Logistics? 

Katsiaryna: Believe in yourself, and don’t be afraid to take on new challenges. From my point of view, if you want to try it, do it! There is always a possibility of going back. It is very important to try. Otherwise, you will always regret it.  

Anette: Take your space. If you do that, you always have people at your back, helping you, but you must dare to take your space and claim your rights. And don’t forget to have fun. Consafe Logistics gives you that opportunity.  

Lovisa: Tech is a very fun industry; it is dynamic and there are always new areas to dig into and explore. I have had a great experience so far at Consafe Logistics. And you can always get support from your colleagues when needed.😊 


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For more information, please contact:

Hélène Rönnmark

Chief Marketing Officer, PR & Media Responsible, Consafe Logistics  e-mail: